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Encouraging, Supporting and Respecting People on their Journey through Life



24 - hour hotline

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EI Rosalie HCBDD3.jpg

(birth up to age 3)

Early Intervention (EI) is a statewide system that provides coordinated early intervention services to parents of eligible children under the age of three with developmental delays or disabilities. EI is grounded in the philosophy that young children learn best from familiar people in familiar settings. 

Supports for Children

Full day preschool is offered to children ages three to five at the Harrison County Board of Developmental Disabilities.

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Supports for Adults

The coordination of supports for adults with developmental disabilities (age 22 and older) in Harrison County is guided by the principle of self-determination.

Harrison County Board of 
Developmental Disabilities


2021 - 2026

Strategic Plan

BHN Alliance

Frequently Asked


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